Traditional photo-enterprise upgrade is imminent LED trend

The oil is tight and the coal is in a hurry. After overdraft of economic rapid development for more than 10 years, China's energy crisis has become increasingly prominent, and the energy shortage has become a bottleneck restricting economic development. As the lifeblood of modern industry, commerce and civil use, the frequent power shortages in recent years have caused considerable economic losses.

In the situation of energy shortage, lighting sources, which are one of the major consumers of electricity consumption, have become the focus of social attention. As an important part of the lighting industry, roads and landscape lighting account for 45-60% of the lighting power consumption in the whole country. Status is even more important. Therefore, in order to alleviate the national power shortage and reduce energy consumption, the promotion of power-saving projects in the field of major lighting energy consumption is related to the overall situation of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

Energy-saving energy crisis traditional light source encounters global ban

China's current energy is mainly from thermal power generation, while thermal power generation uses oil and coal. As the price of oil continues to soar, the cost of power generation increases, and coal combustion produces a large amount of carbon dioxide, causing a greenhouse effect. In today's society where the energy crisis and greenhouses are becoming more and more serious, energy conservation and environmental protection have become the theme of lighting products. According to experts, the energy efficiency of traditional light sources is low, and only 5% of the received electricity can be converted into light energy, and energy waste is very serious. Therefore, it is imperative to disable traditional energy-consuming lighting sources and promote green energy-saving lighting. At this year's EU spring summit, EU countries reached a consensus and decided to gradually replace incandescent lamps with new energy-saving light sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Countries also intend to pass legislation to prohibit the production of energy-consuming light sources in 2009. The light source has encountered a global ban.

In China, in July last year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Establishing a Government's System for Compulsory Purchasing of Energy-Saving Products" (Guo Ban Fa [2007] No. 51), clearly stating that government agencies at all levels use fiscal funds for government procurement activities. When the indicators such as technology and services meet the procurement requirements, priority should be given to purchasing energy-saving products, and mandatory procurement should be implemented for products that meet the requirements for energy-saving effects and performance. In August, the Ministry of Construction also ordered that all cities should no longer use multi-light decorative garden lights in urban main roads. It is strictly forbidden to use powerful searchlights, high-power floodlights, large-area neon lights, color bubbles, and beautiful lamps. High brightness and high energy consumption lamps. In November, the State Council issued a document stipulating that from 2008 onwards, Chinese provincial officials will begin to submit energy-saving answers to the central government. If the transcript fails, they will face accountability and one-vote veto. In January this year, the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Financial Subsidy Funds for Efficient Lighting Products Promotion to ensure the full implementation of high-efficiency energy-saving lighting products through financial subsidies during the 11th Five-Year Plan period.

Trend promotion LED green lighting has become a trend

At present, there are many energy-saving lighting products on the market, and the technology is relatively advanced and environmentally friendly is to count LED lights. LED lights, ie semiconductor lighting, save 80% energy compared to incandescent lamps and 50% less energy than fluorescent energy-saving lamps. LED is the abbreviation of light-emitting diode. Because it is a solid-state cold light source, it has the characteristics of low working voltage, low power consumption, high luminous efficiency and long life, and has become the mainstream in the field of energy-saving lighting.

At present, the life of incandescent lamps is 1000-2000 hours, and the theoretical life of LED lamps is up to 100,000 hours. Compared with incandescent lamps, LED lamps can save more than 80% energy under the same brightness, and save more than 50% energy compared with fluorescent energy-saving lamps. . Chen Lianghui, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a researcher at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, estimates that as long as one-third of incandescent lamps are replaced by semiconductor lamps, the country can save 100 billion kWh of electricity per year, equivalent to one year of power generation in the Three Gorges Project.

In the field of LED lighting, Qinshang Optoelectronics, which truly applies LEDs to general lighting and achieves mass production, is undoubtedly at the forefront. It is understood that Qinshang Optoelectronics and Tsinghua University have made major breakthroughs in high-power LED street lamps, and have obvious innovations. They have obtained more than 100 international and domestic invention patents and utility model patents, and have undertaken the Beijing Green Olympics road lighting project. Guangdong Science Center Square and surrounding road lighting project, road lighting project of Olympic venues in Tsinghua University, and comprehensive renovation projects of Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Dongguan Changping, Shipai and Shilong, occupying the leading domestic high-power LED industry through the application of Qinshang Optoelectronics Position, become the semiconductor lighting company with the largest number of industry model projects.

According to the 11th Five-Year Plan, China will launch ten energy-saving projects in the future. Among them, green lighting and promotion of high-efficiency power-saving lighting systems will be an important content. Therefore, as the third lighting revolution after the open flame and incandescent lamps, semiconductor lighting (LED) will become the technological development trend in the next few years.

Upgrade traditional lighting for industrial upgrading

It is reported that with the promotion of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the market growth of China's LED industry will further accelerate in the next few years. Under the impetus of the national semiconductor lighting project, Shanghai, Dalian, Nanchang, Xiamen and Shenzhen have been formed. National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Industrialization Base, it is estimated that by 2010, China's semiconductor lighting and related industries will reach 150 billion yuan, and LED as a light source into the general lighting market will become the core of future industrial development.

With the continuous maturity of the LED industry and technology, coupled with the support and guidance of national policies, many traditional lighting giants at home and abroad have invested in the development of semiconductor lighting, the industry reshuffle has further intensified, and the traditional enterprise industry upgrade is in the brow.

It is believed that in the next few years, LEDs will start to flow into the ordinary people's homes, just like the current fluorescent lamps, starting from commercial lighting applications.

The first batch of Guangdong Province intellectual property strategy pilot list announced 2008-11-27
Dongguan widely used high-power LED to build an energy-saving demonstration town 2008-11-27
Small to the big badge to the display LED bright throughout Wuhan 2008-11-27


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