Capacitor industry development must cater to market demand

Capacitor industry development must cater to market demand With the development of the electronic information industry and the popularization of home appliances, China’s capacitor industry has achieved unprecedented development. In terms of quantity, quality, and service, it has met the needs of the development of electronic complete machines and household appliances, and has driven related material industries. The development of the equipment industry and instrument industry has become a global capacitor production country.

From the sales point of view, the production of capacitors is mainly concentrated in Japan, China and Taiwan, China has become the world's largest producer of capacitor products after Japan.

In terms of quantity, since the reform and opening up, Japan, South Korea, and China’s Taiwan region have turned capacitor manufacturing to mainland China. The world’s electronic information manufacturing industry has set up factories in mainland China, and multinational companies have been sourcing in mainland China. China has become the world’s Capacitors are big producers and big consumers.

Capacitors required for the production of complete machines in the domestic market have grown significantly, and China has increasingly become an important market for global capacitor consumption. The capacitor industry has great room for development during 2006-2010.

Capacitor industry must adapt to the new environment, the emergence of new electronic information appliances, household appliances, and communication equipment. This brings opportunities for the capacitor industry. Capacitor companies should adapt to changes in the market, do a good job of market operations, and constantly introduce different requirements for different machines. Products can be stronger.

1. User's change.

The popularization and upgrading of consumer electronics products have caused tremendous changes in the electronics industry. China's capacitor industry is gradually developed and expanded for the traditional home appliance products. Today's home appliances have entered the digital age, with a focus on digital TV. Secondly, home appliances have been expanded to include frequency conversion and environmental protection air conditioners, home theaters, computers, and communication products, and thus the target of service (customers) will also change.

2. The digitization of the electronic whole machine and the networking of the electronic system require the slicing of electronic components.

The electronic machine has been developed in the direction of digitization, high-frequency, multi-function, and portable, and the electronic system has developed toward the direction of networked and high-speed processing. The degree of integration and function of integrated circuits is increasing, the lines of the whole machine are being simplified, the number of electronic components used in a single unit is decreasing, and the number of stand-alone units is increasing. In order to adapt to this change, the miniaturization and slicing of capacitors must be accelerated.

3. Gradually integrate into the international market.

China has become an important production base for electronic components worldwide, and the export volume of capacitors accounts for a large proportion of output. Electronic information products are the first batch of imported goods to achieve "zero tariff" after China's accession to the WTO, so a large number of electronic components enter the Chinese market. In 2006, the import volume of electrolytic capacitors was 89 billion, and the film capacitors were 6 billion. It can be said to be large and large, integrated with the international market, and the advancement to the international market should be strengthened in all directions. Therefore, it is more and more important to fully understand the rules of the WTO.

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