Changhong Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Huawei to Expand Smart City Business

On October 12th, Changhong and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement in China’s science and technology city Mianyang. The two parties will cooperate in-depth on the “Smart City” field in China and jointly formulate an overall project solution to promote the development of smart city business and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. .

It is reported that the two sides will also share the advantages of resources, talents and channels in the "smart city" field. "In recent years, Changhong and Huawei have been active in the 'Smart City' field, and the combination of strength and strength has helped to integrate quality resources and promote the rapid development of the 'Smart City' industry." Industry observers pointed out.

Continuously Sharpen and Promote the Development of Smart City Industry

The "Smart City" is a new generation of information technology that uses Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and space geographic information integration to promote smart planning, construction, management, and services. In order to promote the rapid development of "smart city" construction, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments established a new inter-ministerial coordination group for the construction of smart cities to promote the construction of new smart cities. It is understood that the total investment in smart city construction in the country in the next 10 years is expected to exceed RMB 1 trillion, and investment and construction of “Smart City” projects have become an outlet for the joint development of government and enterprises.

It is understood that Changhong had proposed a "new three-axis" intelligent strategy as early as in 2013. Along the direction of "combination", it will intelligently coordinate various terminals to form an intelligent service system solution, and vigorously develop smart families, smart communities and wisdom. Urban business, thereby breaking the "border" of the home appliance industry.

In recent years, Changhong’s smart strategy has been continuously implemented, CHiQ series products have been successfully listed and iteratively upgraded, and various smart terminals and service businesses have generated a large amount of consumption behavior data. In March of this year, the Company fully utilized its technological advantages to integrate and develop internal and external resources and build global The first event support platform (UP platform). Relying on the UP platform, Changhong is becoming a pioneer in smart city integrated service providers and emerging industries in smart cities, gradually transforming from a single product operation to users and data operations, and vigorously building a data manufacturing industry. In 2015, Changhong was awarded as the only smart city construction pilot company in Sichuan Province by the Ministry of Housing and Construction and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In the first half of this year, Changhong successfully bid for multiple smart city projects. According to the relevant person in charge of Changhong, Changhong to wisdom education as a breakthrough, rapid development to the industry in the top three, the first among the front ranks in the West. In the promotion of smart city projects, Changhong has undertaken “a center, three platforms, and N applications” to build smart cities. Relying on the company's capacity for production and financing and the overall operation ability of the project, Changhong has implemented its implementation in Xiangxi, Lhasa, and Liangshan. Smart City "building.

At present, Changhong has formed a wide range of distribution in various fields such as community, family, government affairs, public security, urban management, transportation, education, and medical care in the “Smart City” business area.

Collaborate in depth to build a new pattern of “Smart City” development

In recent years, the domestic market has made a lot of calls for smart cities, but the promotion is not very satisfactory. Observers pointed out that smart cities are three-dimensional projects and require high requirements for software, hardware, and supporting services. It is difficult for a single company to advance rapidly. It requires integration of resources and deep collaboration among enterprises.

Changhong and Huawei are in the forefront of the industry in their respective fields and have accumulated experience in the construction of “smart cities”. Through joint efforts to jointly build “smart cities”, it is an effective way for both parties to speed up project expansion.

As a leading global provider of information and communications solutions, Huawei has been relying on strong R&D and comprehensive technical capabilities. For many years, Huawei has been committed to open cooperation with partners in the corporate business and global government and public utilities, energy, finance, transportation, Power and other industries and corporate customers provide comprehensive and efficient ICT solutions and services. In recent years, Huawei has participated in the preparation of the "China Smart City Standard System" and "China Smart City Evaluation Index System" and has undertaken a number of national smart city standards development.

According to industry insiders, Changhong and Huawei have a broad space for cooperation in such areas as “smart cities”. With the cooperation and in-depth development of smart city projects, the effect of strategic cooperation may be further opened, such as the development of related industries such as home appliances.

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