Cracked! Dutch police successfully train Eagles to intercept UAVs

This is not April Fool's joke. The Dutch police really managed to train the eagle to intercept drones if the police thought that your drone could endanger public safety.

On September 12, 2016, at the police academy in Ossendrecht, the Dutch police demonstrated their results. The trained young eagle can intercept the flying drone and catch it. Ground safety area comes.

Many people worry about the safety of the Hawks. Dennis Janus, a spokesperson for the Police Academy, confidently told AFP that no eagle would be injured and no drone could escape the talons.

In recent years, there have been more and more drones flying in the sky. Many times near the airport and other public places, it is likely to endanger the safety of the people. The Dutch police began training the Eagles to intercept UAVs from the beginning of 2015. After more than a year of training, they finally succeeded.

Reference reading:

Using eagles to capture drones, Dutch police brain hole

The eagle grabs a small "machine": drone air control has a strange move

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