Dexta: How to touch the virtual world? | Hardcore Open Course

Gesture interaction is becoming a hot topic in the field of VR interaction. There are well-known Leap Motion and uSens abroad, and domestic teams such as Micro Motion and HandCV. It may seem natural to operate directly in the virtual world with your hands. However, when you actually experience it, you will find that you clearly see your hand grabbing something, but it feels like you have caught a bunch of air.

It is for this reason that you feel the virtual world while interacting with your gestures and become an effort. One of the most famous startup companies is Dexta Robotics. Dexta has been developing Dexmo, a force feedback gesture interaction product, since 2013.

In this issue, we invited Dexta’s founder and CEO, Gu Qi Chi, who will tell us about:

How does Dexmo achieve force feedback?

How to combine motion capture with force feedback?

What kind of interaction does VR need?

Guest introduction:

Gu Chi Chi, founder and CEO of Dexta Robotics, is a mechanical and control engineer who studied mechanical and control engineering at Cambridge University. He is dedicated to human-computer interaction research and loves robots.

The Dexmo project was established in 2013. In June 2014, it proposed the design of "force feedback switch" and submitted a US patent. In April of the same year, Kickstarter crowdfunding was launched. The June 15 experiment on "variable force feedback" and some other force feedback experiments succeeded and applied for more patents.

At present, Dexmo product development has entered the final stage and will be brought to market.

Event Details:

Time: Sunday, September 18, 2016, 2pm.

Participation methods: Scan the poster QR code to focus on "immersive feeling", leave a message "VR open class", and pull you into the group after successful audit.

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